Upcoming events

Embracing the Light in All Forms

Embracing the Light in All Forms

  • 78 Kaimanawa Street Taupō, Waikato, 3330 New Zealand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We hope you'll join us for our last 'in person' gathering of the year at

7pm tonight at 78 Kaimanawa Street (4 seasons kindergarten)  with the theme of Embracing the Light in All Forms.

We'll have some karakia, prayers and readings interspersed with

dances of universal peace - from the Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Christian, (Mexican)  and Sufi traditions-

All invoking the divine light...as we approach the height of the light at Summer Solstice

and Hannukah and Christmas seasons.

Today, 9th of December is and auspicious occasion - the traditional celebration of 2 holidays:

Buddha's 'born again' day - or day of enlightenment


Maria Mystical Rose's  appearance in Mexico in 1531 

You're invited to wear white or light colours symbolising the growing LIGHT (optional of course).

We will have a brief AGM for Taupo UU at 6:45 pm for a few minutes to review the past year - all welcome to attend.

Come join us to celebrate and embody the LIGHT in all forms. This is the perfect time of year to connect with, absorb and radiate the LIGHT of your being. The dances of universal peace are transformative practices, moving meditations and musical chants which connect you to your inner light and to others in a joyful way. No experience necessary - all welcome - suggested contribution $10-20 to support our outreach - cash at the door welcome OR bank transfer to Taupo UU Fellowship 12-3162-0165629-00 

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Beltane/ Whirringa-a-nuku Zoom Room Gathering

Beltane/ Whirringa-a-nuku Zoom Room Gathering

  • 78 Kaimanawa Street Taupō, Waikato, 3330 New Zealand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come join us for fellowship, song and body prayers of universal peace in honour of the spring season…Whiringa-a-Nuku means ‘thawing if the earth’ or October leading into Whiringa-a-Rangi or November’s ‘thawing of the sky’..Beltane means ‘bright fire’ and is the traditional Celtic holiday celebrating the quickening of the light.. the halfway point between spring equinox and summer solstice. Floralia is the ancient Roman festival of flowers and Flora, the Goddess of Spring fertility. We will share fellowship, song, and ‘body prayer’ ..in a modified dance of universal peace tradition. Come join us in the zoom room. Contributions welcome to our
Taupo UU Fellowship account 12-3162-0165629-00
Connect via zoom by copying this link below and entering password - 7-8:15pm - Monday 28th October - hope to see you there!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 321 015 5175
Passcode: 441144

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Mid-Spring Dances of Universal Peace

Mid-Spring Dances of Universal Peace

  • 78 Kaimanawa Street Taupō, Waikato, 3330 New Zealand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come join us for a gathering with live music, moving meditation, song, body prayer (Dances of Universal Peace) in our community circle of Peace. All welcome - easy-to-learn movements which are taught within a couple of minutes - experience the joy and power with group musical moving meditations - suggested contribution $10-20 - Come give it a go - a unique, transformative and uplifting, healing experience. see www.TaupoUU.com

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Dances of Universal Peace - Welcoming the Spring!

Dances of Universal Peace - Welcoming the Spring!

  • 78 Kaimanawa Street Taupō, Waikato, 3330 New Zealand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Early greetings to Springtime in Aotearoa - come join us for the Dances of Universal Peace - shaking off the winter blues and celebrating the budding energy of spring. Dances of universal peace are musical meditation in motion - in a community circle, we sing simple chants of a variety of cultural wisdom traditions and experience the joy and peace of communion with the Spirit of Life beyond name and form. All welcome - suggested contribution $10-20

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First Saturday - Zoom Room Songs/ Body Prayers of Universal Peace Gathering

First Saturday - Zoom Room Songs/ Body Prayers of Universal Peace Gathering

Please join us to connect in love, harmony, and beauty...on Saturday, 7th September 11am NZ time, (Friday night, 6th September EDT 7-8:30PM

We'll sing universal peace chants and songs as well as make room to share a few inspired offerings - ie poems, and flute, etc. Please PM us if you'd like to offer something that evening.

We've also scheduled a gathering on 5th October (4th EDT)and 1st November and will confirm those dates closer to the time. I will plan to use the same zoom link

each month and invite some folks from our NZ Dance community as well.

Here's your invitation:

Sally Azima Mabelle is inviting you:

Hope to see you there!

Love and Abundant blessings,

Sally Azima

Topic: Zoom Room Gathering: Songs/ Chants/ Dances of Universal Peace

Time: Friday, 6th Sept 7pm EDT time Philadelphia

(Sat, Sep 7, 2025 11:00 AM Auckland, Wellington)

Taupo UU Fellowship is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Zoom Room Gathering: Songs/ Chants/ Dances of Universal Peace

Time: Sep 7, 2025 11:00 AM Auckland, Wellington

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 810 1928 0296

Passcode: 179564

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Inhale the Future - Exhale the Past

Inhale the Future - Exhale the Past

Come join us tonight to explore the dynamics of the breath.
We'll begin by briefly sharing our joys and concerns and our Spirit of Life song. Our speaker tonight is Patricia Prema. She has been a Breathwork Practitioner since 1987 and been assisting others to awaken to the truth of themselves since then.

Through the use of Conscious Connected Breathing, she was personally able to release thoughts & memories that no longer served her and to create a more conscious & happy life. Through breathing consciously, we can move forward in life emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually in a vibration of love rather than fear.

Tonight, Patricia will lead us through an exercise which will allow us to experience a taste of what focusing on our breath consciously can do for us. And in turn, contribute peace and upliftment in the world.. (Read more about Patricia at https://breathworkers.org.nz/breathwork-practitioner.../)

7-8:15pm Monday, 26th August in our 'zoom room'...Taupo UU Fellowship is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Taupo UU Fellowship is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Taupo UU Fellowship zoom room - Inhale the Future - Exhale the Past
Time: 7pm - Monday, 26th August

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 815 2791 7860
Passcode: 441144


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Meeting ID: 815 2791 7860

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Summer's Harvest Dance Retreat - USA
to 4 Aug

Summer's Harvest Dance Retreat - USA

  • Temenos Retreat and Nature Sanctuary (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come escape NZ in midwinter and join the fun to explore and develop your embodied spiritual practice with fellow mystically-minded UUs and interfaith friends for a dances of universal peace retreat with UU Sufi minister, Sally Azima Mabelle of Taupo UU Fellowship, New Zealand.
Temenos Retreat and Nature Sanctuary
1564 Telegraph Rd., West Chester PA
2 Aug, 4 PM - 4 Aug, 2 PM
Retreat includes delicious, healthy vegetarian meals

$330 includes accommodations; $225 for day-attenders $25 late fee for registrations after 6/15/24
To register, contact Carol at carol.collier@verizon.net

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What's Your Elephant in the Room?

What's Your Elephant in the Room?

  • 78 Kaimanawa Street Taupō, Waikato, 3330 New Zealand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

What's Your Elephant in the Room?...

Come join us to explore, discover, and stretch...How does your life reflect (or not) the inclusivity and diversity you value? Come share joys and concerns, listen to or join in with interfaith song and readings, and hear musings on the 'elephant in the room' topic.

Monday night, 22nd July 7-8:15pm - all welcome - join us in the zoom room -Taupo UU Fellowship is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Taupo UU Fellowship zoom room
Time: 7pm-8:15pm NZ time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 815 2791 7860
Passcode: 441144

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MidWinter’s Heart Warming Hui

MidWinter’s Heart Warming Hui

  • 78 Kaimanawa Street Taupō, Waikato, 3330 New Zealand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

You’re invited…come join us for a midwinter's heart-warming hui ,
Fellowship, Songs, readings and musings on Yule/ Winter Solstice - the time of year we move from darkness to light...All welcome..
Offerings welcome to Taupo UU Fellowship account

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 815 2791 7860
Passcode: 441144

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Dances of Universal Peace

Dances of Universal Peace

  • 78 Kaimanawa Street Taupō, Waikato, 3330 New Zealand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come join us for The dances of universal peace. From the beginning of time, sacred movement, song and story have brought people together - at times of seasonal ceremony and celebration, as part of everyday life and life passages, in daily renewal and meditation.

The dances of universal peace set phrases from the world's wisdom traditions to live music and use simple, easy to learn movements, led in a community circle. They evoke an embodied sense of unity, presence, joy, and compassion, touching our spiritual essence.

With Sally Azima, Hadia Jane, Gay Brice and Friends 7-8:30pm, 78 Kaimanawa St. Enquiries and RSVP to Taupouu@gmail.com koha appreciated at the door or to- our Taupo UU acct#

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Sacred Activism: Building a World of Love

Sacred Activism: Building a World of Love

Come join us for an evening of fellowship, interfaith song, and story on Sacred Activism: Building This World From Love...how our inner practices, attitudes, and beingness is an important form of activism - a way we can have an impact in a world where many are feeling powerless. Join Sally Mabelle and friends Monday evening, 27th May at 7pm in the zoom room - All welcome - koha appreciated into our Taupo UU account ASB# 12-3162-0165629-00 Zoom Room invitation : Taupo UU Fellowship is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Taupo UU Fellowship zoom room
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 815 2791 7860
Passcode: 441144

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Dances of Universal Peace in Central Taupo

Dances of Universal Peace in Central Taupo

  • 78 Kaimanawa Street Taupō, Waikato, 3330 New Zealand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come join us for an evening of Dances of Universal Peace - These moving meditations are currently our primary ‘peace activism’ and outreach activity - vital practices at this time of challenge on our planet. The dances of universal peace set phrases from the world's wisdom traditions to live music and use simple, easy to learn movements, led in a community circle. They evoke an embodied sense of unity, presence, joy, and compassion, touching our spiritual essence and creating a shared sense of unity consciousness. …Suggested contribution $10-20 cash at the door or to Taupo UU Fellowship acct #12-3162-0165629-00
Enquiries and RSVP to Sally Mabelle - TaupoUU@gmail.com

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Common Ground: Many Traditions - One Earth Family

Common Ground: Many Traditions - One Earth Family

Come join us in the zoom room on this Earth Day 2024 for fellowship, interfaith song, and prayer - in this challenging time on earth, it's important to find and celebrate Common Ground...Many Voices - One Spirit of Life - Suggested contribution $10 - our Taupo Unitarian Universalist Fellowship account # is 12-3162-0165629-00 Zoom link= https://us06web.zoom.us/s/87584857452?pwd=zaNvVU8w5bbE83lUaQjssuUtfpk7Wu.1#success

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Embracing the Shadow with The Light

Embracing the Shadow with The Light

  • 78 Kaimanawa Street Taupō, Waikato, 3330 New Zealand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

As we enter the new season and new moon of Autumn, the outer light of summer is waning, and we have the chance to move inward...tonight, our evening will include moving meditations on the inner aspects of ourselves which are known as 'the shadow'...and as we meet those with the light of love and acceptance, we sense an inner wholeness and freedom which comes from full authenticity. Sally Azima Mabelle, Hadia Jane Penton, and Gay Brice will lead some moving meditations (dup), and
mental health and habits coach, Dr. Rebecca Stafford, will visit us and share a will facilitate a short activity on 'embracing the shadow'..Please note earlier finish time - 6:30-8:30pm - RSVP to TaupoUU@gmail.com and let us know if you have a short poem or prayer on the theme you'd like to share - Suggested contribution ($10-20) all welcome.

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ONLINE event: Breathing the Spirit of Life

  • 78 Kaimanawa Street Taupō, Waikato, 3330 New Zealand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Breathing the Spirit of Life –
what does it mean and why does it matter?

Speaker & Worship Leader:- Sally Mabelle (live on zoom from Taupo for Auckland Unitarians and friends)

For many people today, the anthropomorphic concept of GOD doesn’t speak to us, and something tangible like ‘BREATH’ is more relatable. In her interfaith ministry training, Sally was encouraged to view and relate to ‘God as Breath’ – her training involved daily breathing and awareness exercises to build the capacity and practical embodiment of what we Unitarian Universalists call ‘the Spirit of Life.’

With the discord, unrest, and conflict in the world today, how might we transform our breath into an agent of peace?

Join us ‘live’ in the building,
or via Zoom, link below:-


Meeting ID: 894 916 3748, Passcode: 12345

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Dances of Universal Peace with Special guests - Australian leaders

Dances of Universal Peace with Special guests - Australian leaders

  • 78 Kaimanawa Street Taupō, Waikato, 3330 New Zealand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All welcome - come join us for an evening of ‘Summer’s Harvest’ dances of universal peace with special guest leaders from Australia, Anna Sophia and Raimunda, joining Sally Mabelle. Fresh from Dance Camp Aotearaoa 2024, we are inspired to share a joyful evening of dances. Koha appreciated…78 Kaimanawa Street, central Taupo

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Dances of Universal Peace for the New Year 2024

Dances of Universal Peace for the New Year 2024

  • 78 Kaimanawa Street Taupō, Waikato, 3330 New Zealand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All welcome - come join our circle of joyful meditation in motion/ body prayer for Peace in the New Year...We are an inclusive spiritual community welcoming people of all faiths - Toward the One - the perfection of love, harmony, and beauty...read more about us at www.taupouu.com - 78 Kaimanawa Street, central Taupo - koha appreciated

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Our mission is Peace: Interfaith Song, Dance, and Prayer

Our mission is Peace: Interfaith Song, Dance, and Prayer

  • 78 Kaimanawa Street Taupō, Waikato, 3330 New Zealand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come join us at 7pm as we inaugurate our Taupo UU Fellowship mission with Interfaith song, dance, and prayer. We’ll have a brief meeting to affirm our principles and mission followed by a time of reflection on joys and concerns followed by Dances of Universal Peace (musical body prayer). All welcome - suggested contribution $10 RSVP to TaupoUU@gmail.com

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Celebrate Spring! Beltane - Whiringa-a-Rangi- Dances of Universal Peace

Celebrate Spring! Beltane - Whiringa-a-Rangi- Dances of Universal Peace

Come join our community circle dances to celebrate Spring, our transition from Whiringa-a-Nuku...(thawing of the earth) to Whiringa-a-Rangi - (thawing of the sky) - As we reach the halfway point between spring equinox and summer solstice, our creativity and growth accelerate and the blossoming begins...Experience the joy and peace of these multi-cultural, interfaith, moving meditations...no experience necessary - you are invited to bring flowers for our centrepiece and/ or to wear flowers in your hair - be creative 4-6pm, Family-friendly session-Children under 12 FREE with parent or caregiver's supervision, 6-7pm community potluck, and 7:30-9:30pm - Adults only session $20 per session cash at the door or by 27th Oct via our donation button above - Please RSVP to TaupoUU@gmail.com

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Embodied Multicultural Prayer in Motion - Dances of Universal Peace

Embodied Multicultural Prayer in Motion - Dances of Universal Peace

  • 78 Kaimanawa Street Taupō, Waikato, 3330 New Zealand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Spiritual practice brings us face to face with our true nature - beyond form and imbued with universal consciousness. We humans are embodiments of that universal consciousness. Many of the world's cultures and religions access that consciousness with an activity called Prayer. The Dances of Universal Peace are prayer in motion, drawing on the sacred phrases, scripture, and poetry of the many spiritual traditions of the earth. The dances are like group circle meditations with chant, live music and evocative movement connecting us to the experience of unity, peace and integration. - Come join us for a special evening experiencing the sacred space of multicultural body prayer. 7:30-9pm, 78 Kaimanawa Street, Suggested contribution, $10 - all welcome RSVP and enquiries to Sally Mabelle TaupoUU@gmail.com

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Universal Worship

Universal Worship

  • 78 Kaimanawa Street Taupō, Waikato, 3330 New Zealand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

As we are being asked to vote in the next couple of weeks, tonight we'll explore and express through readings, prayers, and musical chants from 8 of the world's wisdom traditions - the right of conscience and democracy. We'll reflect on readings and join in chants from the ancient Mapuche tribe to those of Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Hebrew, Christian, Islamic, and Universal Sufi traditions.
We'll then have some small group discussion about how we may be feeling about the upcoming elections and our role in helping to shape our society here in New Zealand. Come join us for what promises to be a stimulating and inspiring evening. All welcome - koha and RSVPs appreciated - contact TaupoUU@gmail.com if you'd like to be one of our readers.

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Spring Inspirations!

Spring Inspirations!

  • 78 Kaimanawa Street Taupō, Waikato, 3330 New Zealand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Chants and Dances of Universal Peace - Celebrate the beginning of Spring with meditative mantric melodies from various world wisdom traditions - Koha appreciated. Enquiries to TaupoUU@gmail.com

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Summer's Harvest Retreat -USA
to 23 Jul

Summer's Harvest Retreat -USA

  • 1564 Telegraph Road West Chester, PA, 19382 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come join us to explore and develop your embodied spiritual practice with other open-minded, open-hearted UUs and interfaith friends - featuring the dances of universal peace We will share delicious, vegetarian meals and also enjoy the healing breath and walking practices, along with fellowship conversations to deepen your connection, sense of purpose, and inner joy and peace.

About the retreat leader:

Sally Mabelle is an inspirational leader who creates an uplfting, joyful atmosphere. She first discovering UUism in the early 80’s while studying at The University of Virginia and led her first service at First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia in the mid-80’s. She sang with the Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder, Colorado and Unity Church of Boulder in the mid-90’s, while starting her mentoring practice in life design and authentic voice. She taught authentic voice workshops on Maui, Kauai, Fiji, the UK, Baltimore, and Philadelphia in and sang in concert halls in India, learning Indian raga singing, opera, jazz, and the hula, being called to New Zealand where she served as a lay worship leader and dances of universal peace leader for 12 years before being called to found Taupo UU Fellowship in 2021, after her ordination as a Sufi interfaith minister (cherag) in the lineage of Sufi Ruhaniat International. Sally draws on inspiration from many sources, including her universalist sufi  ‘God is Breath’ training, her dreamwork with Shanja Kirstann, former tutor at Matthew Fox’s original Institute of Creation Spirituality in California , two years of Spiritual Psychology training at The University of Santa Monica , The University of California - Berkeley’s ‘Science of Happiness’ positive psychology program, and Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent communication principles. For more info on Sally’s authentic voice work and studetn testimonials see nzmusicteachers.co.nz/sally-mabelle

Venue: Temenos Retreat and Nature Sanctuary, 1564 Telegraph Rd., West Chester PA

includes delicious and healthy vegetarian meals

Cost: $195 US + accommodation options if needed- contact us below for more details

To Register: Email name, mobile number, and preference of residential or non-residential option to TaupoUU@gmail.com, and we will send you an invoice to pay via paypal. Registration is confirmed upon payment.
To get an idea of what these 'chants and dances of universal peace' are like, see a few short video clips  below of  Sally leading these practices below: (inspired by multi-cultural sacred wisdom traditions of the world)

From Mexico

From the Bahamas

Sufi chanting

Jewish tradition

Sikh chant

Buddhist-inspired dance

Baha'i invocation with teenagers

Sally's professional  'voice of leadership' website is www.sallymabelle.com.

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Sound Movement Journey with Moving Rivers

Sound Movement Journey with Moving Rivers

  • 78 Kaimanawa Street Taupō, Waikato, 3330 New Zealand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Take some time out to take some time in...

When your world feels shaky from the ground up and everything around you feels out of your control, what do you do? When you feel like you really need some TLC, what do you do?

These once a month Sunday SOUND MOVEMENT JOURNEYS are curated as a base for you to take the time and space needed to come home to your body.

Offering mindful movement and meditation with the deeply restorative vibrations from QUARTZ CRYSTAL SOUND BOWLS. You will be guided through gentle and powerful exercises, with foundations in dance and energy medicine facilitation. A fun and relaxed environment open to all levels, genders and abilities. Giving your body presence to balance through it’s own healing abilities. Regaining connection to your inner world. So you can feel full and energised to connect to your outer world.

Join us;-

-Sunday 25th June
-Yoga Tree Taupo
-Open level, all genders, nationalities and abilities welcome! Come as you are and go at your own pace.

Feeling your natural rhythm and flow through the power of MOVEMENT and SOUND you'll leave grounded in the moment.
Embodying the beauty of being alive.

Give yourself space and time to move and soothe with Moving Rivers.

Your host - Jasmine

The quartz crystal sound bowls bring us into a deeply restorative meditative state. By moving us into the alpha-theta brainwave state, our parasympathetic nervous system is activated, and our body can start to restore and repair.

As water moves to renew and recharge itself, so do we. Sometimes we store energy in our body. We can choose to move this energy through awareness, breath and movement. Allowing the river of life to move freely through us once again.

When we go on a journey, we start at one point, go through a transformation, and come to a new point of awareness. Going on a journey to discover, learn and grow. Life is one big journey. We can craft each journey with intention, love and presence. To follow our nature of change in this evolutionary, embodied, human experience.

Your host;-

"Jasmine is a mover;- in dance, sound, energy and breath. Bridging the two worlds of performance and healing arts. Creating space for individual, partnered and group embodiment work. Using her professional training in contemporary dance and over ten years experience in meditation and intuitive development she helps others embody and remember their innate nature and purpose. Jasmine has collaborated, performed and assisted in the East Point West Artist residency in Melbourne, Sydney and the dance festival in Kuala Lumpur, collaborated and performed with fellow performance artists in Auckland. Facilitating workshops in Auckland, Northern New South Wales, Otautahi Christchurch and Taupo. Jasmine has founded Moving Rivers - a base to come back to wholeness through awareness. Currently Jasmine offers one on one, couples and group healing sessions with crystal sound bowls and bodywork including miri miri, energy medicine, group Sound and Movement Journey’s and women's circles. Jasmine has completed a degree in dance, level 1 and 2 certification in 'Energy Medicine Facilitation' with Phillipe Atman, certification in the foundations of Miri Miri and Romi Romi with Jolie Davis, as well as completing a full curriculum with Jacqlin Richards working with principles of Alchemy from the 'Natural Success' program. Currently Jasmine is a Facilitator, Dance Teacher, Energy Healer and Movement Mentor

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Mount Maunganui - Midwinter Heartwarming Hui with Alice Sea and Sally Azima

Mount Maunganui - Midwinter Heartwarming Hui with Alice Sea and Sally Azima

See facebook event link HERE

4:30-6pm - Family friendly dances and Midwinter /Yule story
6-7pm Community Potluck
7:30-9:30 - Evening Dances of Universal Peace and musical meditations with Sally Mabelle and Alice Sea (musician/singer/dance leader from Tauranga..see her instragram video clips

As our days grow shorter and our nights grow longer in Aotearoa New Zealand, we draw together in community, to celebrate the transition from our darkest time on the last day before winter solstice/ yule begins moving us back into the light...Join us for an intimate evening of moving meditation (multi-faith, mantric dances of universal peace), musical Maori creation, live music w. Alice Sea. We have created two sessions, the first is family friendly the evening session is for adults 16 years and up. Feel free to stay for the optional community potluck dinner from 6 -7pm after the family session/before the evening session

come to one or both sessions - Limited earlybird tickets available for $15 for each session - click HERE to book your place.

�$20 per person per session children under 12 free

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