Spiritual Direction

We believe you have all the resources you need inside to navigate your own spiritual path, and it’s often helpful to have a sounding board for some of the following reasons:

Clarifying Purpose

Navigating Life Transitions

Mindful Self-compassion

Developing your spiritual practice


Interfaith/Multi-faith relationship questions

As a Unitarian Universalist interfaith minister and celebrant, Sally is ordained in the lineage of Sufi Ruhaniat International. She can support you with developing your attunement and intimacy with your ‘inner being’, ‘The Divine’, ‘The Infinite’, 'God or Goddess’, the Spirit of Life known by many names. Practices such as prayer, breathwork, and concentration can strengthen your resilience, compassion, and inner peace. Sally is an empathetic listener who has served as a professional mentor and facilitator for 30+ years with 85+ client testimonials on linkedin.  She served as a lay leader for the Auckland Unitarian Church for 12 years where she also led multi-faith dances of universal peace and seasonal gatherings which she continues today for our Taupo UU Fellowship. Sally draws on inspiration from many sources, including her universalist sufi  ‘God is Breath’ training, her dreamwork with Shanja Kirstann, former tutor at Matthew Fox’s original Institute of Creation Spirituality in California , two years of Spiritual Psychology training at The University of Santa Monica , The University of California - Berkeley’s ‘Science of Happiness’ positive psychology program, and Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent communication principles. Here is a short video of Sally talking about her theology of UNITY Consciousness

To book a time to talk with Sally, you can reach her at +64 21 0222 8782 or on TaupoUU@gmail.com